
Every once in a while the Lord lays on me such a sense of anticipation for the kingdom to come I can hardly bear it, my heart about explodes with excitement because something about it has become a bit more real to me than it was yesterday. A bit like when I was a child and something delectable loomed on my event horizon, if it would just GET HERE!

This morning I read a quote in “Israel My Glory” magazine that the Spirit used to shoot a dart of excitement into my heart:

This is the way the world ends / Not with a bang but a whimper

“Thus did the modernist poet T.S. Eliot conclude his melancholy poem, The Hollow Men. Many are convinced this description will likely be close to reality – that the earth will finally roll to a meaningless stop, and the world of men will simply shuffle off into a quiet obilivion. But Eliot was wrong. The world end not with a whimper, but with a bang of God’s making – indeed, with a breathtaking drama described in remarkable detail in Scripture. And that drama will commence with a cataclysmic, seven-year period … that will be God’s way of bringing in His righteous Kingdom over which His Messiah will rule.” Douglas Bookman

Bring it on, I say. It may not have started with a Big Bang, but that is yet to come, for all those who seem to need one of those in their lives.

Happy Monday. Perhaps today.

About Mary

I have been a believer since 1981. Everything else before that is relatively meaningless. My heart has, from day 1, always been toward the subject of bible prophecy and I have seen the Lord do amazing things in my life through simply studying the Word and applying it to my life. I am a wife, grandmother and work full time in ministry. Life is full, and full of learning curves and seasons.
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