I have not been asleep at the wheel, in the light, or even on my bed of prayer and petition.
I am constantly looking into the events of the day, monitoring, processing, analyzing. Yes, it is still the end times!
I have placed other posts here, but had to pull them for one reason or another.
But I am working on a prophecy update. I wanted to do one much sooner, but there is so much going on behind the scenes that it takes quite a bit of digging to uncover the real story. Deception abounds, secrecy and covert activities with a healthy side dose of spin is the order of the day. Since our administration changed hands, I have taken a watch and see attitude thus far because it is so difficult to keep up with the mind-boggling changes, and determining how it all fits into prophecy.
But that is about to change! On June 21 I will go after some timely topics. If you can’t be here to find out more about the portion of the iceberg that lurks below the surface, tune in on live stream.
Jesus is coming! Baby, it’s close. Stay focused and in prayer, you will need it.
PS – check out our Conference tab and plan to come for our Prophecy Conference in September.
Oh Mare, I can’t wait for your update! It amazes me how afraid the national media is of reporting this deception. I shake my head in disbelief. Thanks for all of the spiritual arrows you take for the church body. I am just one of many, who is totally blown away by the work you do on these updates, and totally blessed by the outcomes. May God keep a perpetual hedge of protection around you, my friend, in Jesus’ name. AMEN