
Well, after a bit of a personal break, I am back. The reason for my absence is something we seldom experience these days – unbridled joy. And the source of the joy? My first grandbaby.
So many thoughts go through your head at such events, not the least of which is that God must still have a good reason to continue the human race, I see it in this little face. Honestly, for the life of me these days I can’t see His point. I am so undeserving. But thank you Lord for your boundless grace and mercy in recombining DNA at least one more time, and my joy is FULL. Thank You that no matter how hard I try I cannot fathom such grace and mercy. And therein lies my unbridled joy.

But even though I have been gone physically, every nerve I have has been on high alert for what is coming on this earth, and particularly to this nation, and very soon. You may forget everything I say here but there is one thing we cannot forget about these times, it will make our lives a bit better and save our sanity. And that is – we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Whatever is coming down the pike is spiritual. In other words, you can get in a bundle about who said what and who is the more evil choice, but you can save yourself a lot of blood pressure meds if you remember that there is so much more going on behind the scenes than we will ever comprehend on this side of heaven. Let me expound on this for a few minutes.

When we look at the book of Daniel, particularly Chapter 2 in which we are introduced to the kingdoms of the world that God deems critical to his plan for human history, we can glean a very important perspective of our times. Of course, that chapter is loaded with theology and history, but for our thoughts today in this brief commentary, I want to just soar over it and point out a couple of things.

The head of gold was Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom. Babylon. A powerful and glorious, at least by man’s standard, kingdom. But as we work our way down through the image, and all the amazing history it represents, we find lesser and lesser materials to describe successive kingdoms. The Medo-Persian Empire was merely silver, the Greek Empire (under Alexander no less) was bronze, and the final kingdom, which I feel with all my heart is upon us, was iron. Now, leave it to mankind to view their conquests as an image of a great man made of building materials. We think it’s always been all about us. But God tends to view our conquests as brute beasts, bent on devouring. At any rate, by the time you get to the bottom of this image, our degenerate, judgment-ready planet is made up of clay toes, ready to be shattered by the coming of our great and glorious God, in the person of Jesus Christ. Kind of like a bowling pin teetering and tottering until the inevitable happens.

Now, a couple of cursory observations here are all we need to understand our world that is circling the drain as we speak. Any builder can see that a project can never stand with a top made of gold and feet of clay. One good kick and that thing is, well, “history”. We could also make the case that if Neb’s kingdom was so great, shouldn’t it have been conquered by a better and greater kingdom? One would think. But in reality, the succeeding kingdoms were not greater, in our earthly understanding of that word, but merely more brutal. Not greater, in the kind of glory that God would be honored by, but more powerful in a cruel and wicked way that steals, kills, and destroys. Sound familiar? That is also what the enemy of our souls is bent upon. And so, in that light, let me ask: how does God view our world today, a world system owned by Satan himself? Remember, we wrestle not against flesh and blood.

God has clearly warned us ahead of time in this simple image in Daniel, not to expect such greatness in our leaders, in our world, but to expect things to degenerate to a point where judgment and purification by fire are the only ways to usher in righteousness.

So now let’s look at the upcoming election. We don’t need a close look to see and understand that things are right on track from a spiritual standpoint: a degenerate world ripe for judgment. Please, keep your sanity this November by remembering that everything you see and sense and hate about this world must happen. It must take place. And let me add one important thing: if America goes into slavery and bondage with a wicked leader soon, how can we expect otherwise, having squandered His grace and mercy on things like abortion, gay rights, feminism, mountains of debt, gospel-free Sundays — we are truly getting what we deserve.

Lord have mercy on us all.

About Mary

I have been a believer since 1981. Everything else before that is relatively meaningless. My heart has, from day 1, always been toward the subject of bible prophecy and I have seen the Lord do amazing things in my life through simply studying the Word and applying it to my life. I am a wife, grandmother and work full time in ministry. Life is full, and full of learning curves and seasons.
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2 Responses to Time:Out

  1. Deanne says:

    For a pre-Halloween scare, Google “Obama Supports Public Depravity.” (This has been happening in Nancy Pelosi’s district!) After recovering, Yahoo “God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up” and “Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right.” Obama etc. don’t want folks to know what goes on at “gay” festivals in front of children because news about this could ignite and unite the Religious Right like nothing else – which explains why nothing was said about “gay” rights at any of the Presidential debates! May the Lord have mercy on America and lead us to make the right choices on Election Day! Deanne

    (Obama, Biden, and Pelosi did not approve of this message!)

  2. Caroline says:

    As we are studying the book of Daniel at Donna’s home each Tuesday night, and Fred & I are going through the book of Daniel with Koinonia Institute, the timing is perfect to dig deeper into God’s Word to see Him more clearly & love Him more dearly.The head knowledge is great, but the heart wisdom surmounts all expectation. I find I hear & read the news with a backdoor attitude—what is really happening? I think of the movie The Sum of All Fears & know that alot is going on in the background that we do see or know about, like the spirit realm. The wonderful birth of Ethan has your heart and the current world situation has your mind on this changing world, moment by moment. What a contrast! Both fred & I hate what our country has become. But we will vote & worship the King of Kings & Lord of Lords as long as we have breath & into eternity.
    Lord have mercy on us all, Amen.

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